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Lochnagar 1155m (3789ft)
Lochnagar 1155m (3789ft)

Lochnagar 1155m (3789ft)

Known as the Royal Mountain, this lovely peak is the highest in the Southern Cairngorms.

Lochnagar is the high point of a relatively featureless plateau, but on its north east side there is a deeply scooped corrie complete with lochan, which gives the mountain its much acclaimed character and name. Climbers have been drawn to these cliffs since the ascent of the Black Spout in 1893, the first climb pioneered in the Cairngorms. It is also known as the Royal Mountain as it is situated on the Balmoral estate. Queen Victoria climbed it on a cold, wet and windy day. It was also the setting for Prince Charles’ book: The Old Man of Lochnagar. The best approach to the mountain is from the car park at Loch Muick, which gives you good views of the corrie as you ascend onto the summit ridge.

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